专业生产销售 , 隆达速拼隔墙板 , XPS挤塑保温板


一、 聚苯乙烯泡沫板由可发性聚苯乙烯(Eps)颗粒为原料,经加热预发泡,在模具中加热成型而制成的具有微细闭孔结构的泡沫塑料板材,该产品有普通型和阻燃型。具有质轻、保温、隔热、耐低温,有一定的弹性、吸水性极小、容易加工等优点。主要用于建筑、车辆、船舶、制冷设备和冷藏等行业的隔热、保温、保冷。
二、 产品规格: 根据用户需要,我厂可设计生产各种规格产品,标准规格为2000mmx1000mmx10mm--500mm, 6000mmx1200mmx10mm--500mm。误差不超过±5%。
三、 测试系数:

指标名称 指标
自熄型     普通型
密度(克/立方厘米) ≤0.0297 ≤0.0288
吸水性(Kg/㎡) ≤0.082 ≤0.08
压缩强度(压缩50%)kg/c㎡ -  - 
0.020-0.035 1.6 1.5
2.1 2.0
弯曲强度 0.021
0.021-0.036 1.8 1.9
2.21 2.3
尺寸稳定性70℃/40℃% ±0.52 ±0.54
当量导热系数千卡/米*时*度 ≤0.0347 ≤0.035
自熄性 离火2秒内熄灭 - 
热阻㎡*R/瓦 1.0992 - 
传热系数瓦/㎡R 0.910 - 

kevin: hello! I am small warm
The expensive department needs: the

1. plate thickness standard is 75mm the

2. plate general length is 3M-5M generally. the width is 3M. must excel in or be equal to that generally 3m happen to conforms to you to be possible in the Philippines field processing. the

3. color is a white. outside is the plane. the

4. please expensive department send the product material, if has English to explain, should better also be able one and provides. thanks! Fujian Quanzhou wears the dragon warm

Polystyrene cystosepiment synopsis:

First, the polystyrene cystosepiment by may send the polystyrene (Eps) the pellet is a raw material, becomes spongy in advance after the heating, heats up in the mold has the tiny foramen obturatum structure foam plastics plate which the formation makes, this product has the popular type and being flame-resistant. Has the nature to be light, the heat preservation, the heat insulation, bear the low temperature, has certain elasticity, the hygroscopicity minimum, easy to process and so on merits. Mainly uses in constructing, profession and so on vehicles, ships, refrigeration plant and refrigeration heat insulation, the heat preservation, guarantees coldly.

Second, product specification: According to the user need, my factory may design produces each kind of specification product, the standard specification is 2000mmx1000mmx10mm--500mm, 6000mmx1200mmx10mm--500mm. The error does not surpass ±5%.

Third, test coefficient: polystyrene cystosepiment target name target from extinguishes Popular type the density (a gram/cubic centimeter) ≤0.0297 ≤0.0288 hygroscopicity (Kg/㎡) ≤0.082 ≤0.08 the compressive strength (compresses 50%) kg/c㎡ - - the density is 0.020 0.020-0.035 1.6 1.5 2.1 2.0 bending strength 0.021 0.021-0.036 1.8 1.9 2.21 2.3 size stability 70℃/40℃% ±0.52 ±0.54 equivalent thermal conductivity kilocalorie/meter * time * ≤0.0347 ≤0.035 from extinguishes the nature to extinguish - thermal resistance ㎡*R/tile 1.0992 - heat transfer coefficient tile/㎡R 0.910 - to the fire 2 seconds in
